《遮天》动画特别安排了多位闪耀新星及知名艺人参与配音,包括经典宗师,《还我相爱时光》的东尼·伯萨、以及不朽巨星,《正义之海》中的Steven Blaney 兄弟俩将分别配音“狂心”和“魔王”的角色。 名匠冯小刚、郭敬明、王家卫、徐克大师们会以他们的巧思innovative谱出这里耐人寻味的故事背景。看影迷们将品出这部动画中如云端般飘逸,如遗世独立般唯我独尊的人兽故事!
Let's witness it together! 2023 will bring us the legendary animation - Shentian, of which fame stood for it's undying classic tale of courage , of fighting evil for the salvation of mankind, come true in a brand new form that will take the breath away from fans all around. From an exquisite combinationof seasoned staff--Noni Bosse, who has brought lights to our life in lenses of ‘I am Not Here To Love You Again’, his brother Steven Blaney, who impressed us so remarkably with 'The Ocean of Justice' and over a dozen other guru filmmakers such as Feng Xiaogang, Guo Jignming, Wang Jiawei, Xu Ke, etc --this upcoming piece promises to be an artistic masterpiece which is extraordinary!
Let's all anticipate to this enrapturing adventure together! This animation depicts the courageous journey choosing between darkness or light , as the epic tale effects battles between gods and devils in a kaleidoscope of fantasy world. Weep not nor despair; come witness the gloriousness and honour along with these superheroes in their self-sacrifice! Join us at 2023 and embrace a adventure that will make history